
Showing posts from June, 2015

Read Epub files in Ubuntu / Debian / Linux mint

What is Epub? Epub is short for electronic publication. It is a free and open e-book standard by International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). Epub files have .epub extension. Now, the unique thing about Epub is that the ebook can optimise text for any device display i.e it is adaptive to any screen resolution.The text will try to occupy the free space on the display. Try changing the window size while reading an Epub file and you will notice the difference. As of now, we don't have any default application for reading ePUB files for ubuntu/debian. here are some you may install. Read more »

cat command explained with basic practical examples in linux/unix

cat is short for 'concatenate' i.e. combining two or more files but it does way more than that! The cat command is also used for creating and viewing text files.  We will see some real life cat command usage with practical examples. Syntax: cat [options] [file] Read more »

How to format a Pendrive in ubuntu using terminal or Disks app

There are times when your pendrive is full and you want to format it to empty it at once or maybe some files are not getting deleted. There are two ways to do it, First, using the command line (terminal) and Second using Disk utiltiy application. I 'll show you both of them, then you decide which one suits you. Via Command line (Terminal) 1. Insert your pendrive and wait for your system to detect it. 2. Open the Terminal ( ctrl+alt+t ) and enter the following command df Read more »

How to Add and Remove apps/softwares faster in ubuntu

You probably install apps from the ubuntu software center, so you first got to open it and then search for the app and then install, and similarly do the same for removing/uninstalling them. You can use the terminal to get these things done faster but for that you need to know the exact package name to install/remove. There is this feature of the unity dash which was introduced in ubuntu 12.10 and is still there which lets you do these things faster. Read more »

Change Computer name/hostname in ubuntu linux

If you didn't paid much attention to changing computer/machine name while installation and now want to change it or just want to change it. you need to edit two files /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts and replace your hostname with the new one. I will use nano editor to do so. nano is a console (terminal) based text editor, so the file will open in the terminal itself. Simply follow these steps. Read more »

Run Minilyrics in Ubuntu linux using Foobar2000 and WINE

Do you like scrolling lyrics? Want to sing along like karaoke, Then Minilyrics might be all you want. Currently minilyrics is available for windows and Mac platforms only but using WINE and Foobar we can make it work on ubuntu just like it does on windows. WINE is a compatibility layer used to run windows application on linux. Foobar2000 is a light weight music player for windows which we 'll run using WINE. Minilyrics is a lyrics viewer. It show synced scrolling lyrics. It has a large lyrics database, it will have lyrics for almost all of your songs! It comes with many skins to suit your viewing taste. It runs with many players like Winamp, Itunes, Foobar... Read more »

How to change tty virtual console font (Alt+Ctrl+F1) in ubuntu linux

TTY consoles(virtual consoles) are accessed by Ctrl+Alt+F1 or Ctrl+Alt+F2 1. Type the following command in your regular terminal(gnome-terminal..etc) or the TTY console itself, to launch configuration menu for tty. sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup Read more »